That's when I get induced. I know crazy right?? Let me explain how it all came about.
On Monday I had my 37 week appointment and they found some protein in my urine. I also had high blood pressure. So they scheduled an appointment for me to get my
bp checked on Thursday. Well on
Tuesday I decided to go in and get my
bp checked just to ease my mind. Turns out it was a whopping 152/115 and stayed that way for 2 hours so I was then admitted to Triage. I was hooked up to all the monitors and lab came to do some tests. Lab results came back fine, but the
bp was still high so they put me on a
bp medication and sent me on my way. Oh, but not before telling me that I need to do a 24 hour urine sample.
So Thursday comes around and I go for my scheduled
bp check - 132/100. Still high, but lower than it was. I called it in to the
dr and waited for them to call.
Friday comes and around 2 pm the nurse finally calls me back and tells me that my 24 hr urine sample came back with protein in it and that I would need to be induced. So Sunday at 7 pm my husband and I will be checking into the Birthing Center preparing for the arrival of our son.
We're both extremely excited and scared at the same time. I can only pray that things go well and that we'll all be safe.